Give monthly. Receive your Exclusive Heart Club Pin.

Join the movement.

Because of supporters like you, we’re able to ease suffering, save lives, and provide sustainable futures for children. By joining The Heart Club your gift impacts 57 kids every year.

Just $20 a Month can do all this


Childs Life will be saved


Children were able to get their minds off treatments and pain


Children were able to learn how to code


Providing for a student to go to school to get a degree in STEM & Providing for a graduate to have an opportunity to intern

Step 1

Donate at least $20 a month and receive your Exclusive Heart Club Pin.

Step 2

Take a photo wearing your Exclusive Heart Club Pin.

Step 3

Share it and tag us #ThisPinHelped57Kids

Games For Love is leading the way.

Games for Love’s thought process is thinking critically to solve problems on a global scale. We are creating holistically, and our programs are looking not just at symptoms of a problem, but how to eliminate root causes from a foundational level.

Your monthly gift helps kids everywhere.

1 Month

Provide kids with fun hobbies and engaging activities.

6 Months

Help fund a child's life-changing operation.

1 Year

Gift a sustainable future for kids through scholarships and education programs.